Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fibroadenoma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fibroadenoma - Assignment Example The most susceptible persons to this condition are young women and teenage girls. It is diagnosed through various tests such as â€Å"mammogram, clinical breast examinations, ultrasound, fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy† among others (Moris, 2005, p.46). Their sizes differ and ranging from one patient to another, they sometimes reduce in size or shrivel at will and can expand even more when a woman has conceived .According to Moris (2005, p.99), a bigger percentage (about 90%) of fibroadenomas are not more than 3cm in size while the remaining percentage are 4 cm or more in length. The tumour itself is oval in shape, stretchy or supple and has soft facade. It is grey-whitish and can sometimes come when soft or hard on the outside (Dabbs, 2012, p.121). There is strong evidence that supports the proposition that women who have a family history which is enmeshed around breast diseases and fibroadenoma are more likely to suffer from the same. Although the chances of suffering from this disease reduces as one ages; past menopause it is lower, a family medical history especially those girls and young women whose mothers or grandmothers suffered from breast diseases are more predisposed to this condition. It is therefore important to dig deep into the family medical history of a patient before diagnosing them with this disease. Also, a person stands a high chance of being diagnosed with these conditions if she had suffered from a breast related condition before. Patients who have ever used hormone therapy are more likely to record even bigger lumps of Fibroadenomas as it is most active during the years of female reproductions (Dabbs, 2012, p.176). Mostly, Fibroadenomas are never treated although it is monitored regularly just in case it can erupt into a serious condition. Surgery is an option though for those patients who feel totally uncomfortable with the growth on their

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What Are Some Risk Factors to Prevent Illness Essay Example for Free

What Are Some Risk Factors to Prevent Illness Essay * What are some risk factors that may be controlled to prevent serious illness? Do any of these controllable risk factors apply to you? What can you do to eliminate these risk factors in your life? We can prevent serious diseases if we have strong immune systems, so we have to strengthen them, we can take vitamin c daily. We can ingest fruits every day, citrus fruits are more important, they are rich in vitamin c. and we could take supplemental vitamins to help our body become stronger to prevent diseases. Yes some of these things can be taken control over. You can change the conditions through diet and exercise. Your best defense is information. Talk to your health care provider to find out if u are at risk for any serious diseases. Work with your health care provider to come up with a plan of action to help you control the risk factors in your life. High blood pressure is a very important risk factor for someone to have a stroke. Strokes affect 40 percent of ethnic populations over age 20. Just remember to check your family history to see if you are at risk for certain illnesses. * With widely publicized information on the health and environmental consequences of smoking, why do you think people still choose to smoke? Even with the widely dispersed information on smoking people still choose to smoke because the tobacco companies spend billions of dollars annually on campaigns to entice younger and younger generations to start smoking. Some of the other reasons is because nicotine is extremely addictive and it is hard to put cigarettes down and just quit them cold turkey and people mainly start smoking either from peer pressure or just smoke in social situations only and then they start to develop the addiction for the nicotine. Nicotine also makes people feel energized and alert right after they have smoked but the results are very short lived and then they need another one because they want that energy burst again. Smoking has been determined to be more addictive than cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. Smoking mainly get started in high school or college because of the major tobacco companies and social situations with other people because you want to look cool. * What is the difference between a problem drinker and an alcoholic? What factors can cause someone to become an alcoholic? What effect does alcoholism have on an alcoholic’s family? Alcoholism is a serious, debilitating disease which literally destroys lives. Problem drinkers are those whose alcohol abuse has adversely affected their lives, causing adverse issues in most or all areas of their lives. The nature of alcohol abuse often means there are underlying unresolved issues plaguing the problem drinker. The following factors can be a cause for a person to become alcoholic: 1. It can be genetic 2. Escape from reality and personal problems. Cover up or mask their depression and anxiety. 3. Lack of supervision from parents has a high tendency to develop a habit that deals with alcoholic drinks. 4. Alcohol is a method to escape from stress, fatigue and can be inherited, Boredom, among others. 5. Genetics also play a role and there are indications that alcoholism can be inherited. Alcoholism can impact a family in one of two ways either emotionally or financially it can also impact a family by creating health problems.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Unemployment Rates in Albania: An Analysis

Unemployment Rates in Albania: An Analysis INTRODUCTION Albania is one of the economically last developed countries in Europe. After the collapse of the communist regime, Albania achieved an economical growth, but poverty level is still high. There is a strong link between poverty and unemployment because the lack of employment is one of the main determinants of poverty. Albania is considered as a poor country, thats why a high level of unemployment exists. This is a phenomenon that disquiets the Albanias society, so it is important to discus about this topic. This paper gives the unemployment level and its changing during years in Albania. The period of time that we have taken into account is 1995-2009. In this paper we are going to talk about the unemployments concept at the beginning and then its effects on the economy and society in chapter 5. We are going to give the unemployment rate of Albania, during this period according to age, gender and education and its values in different cities in chapter 3. Another point that will be shown in this paper is of course the precautions taken by the government to reduce the unemployment rate given in chapter 6. And finally we are going to show the conclusions of our work. GENERAL OVERVIEW ABOUT UNEMPLOYMENT 2.1. UNEMPLOYMENTS CONCEPT Unemployment is the time period when a person isnt actually working, but available for work and currently looking for work. The working age population includes people from 16 years old to 65 years old for men and 60 for women. It consists of two groups: active population (labor force) and inactive population. Labor force includes employed and those in search of employment (the unemployment people). In this assessment should be taken into account the difference between: -Individuals currently working, considered those who accomplish a payable work of residence, even if temporally absent from work. The unemployed, those considered not at work, but actively seeking employment or waiting to return to work. Outside the labor force are classified people that are in working age but they arent currently working or they dont want to. This group consists of students, the invalids, students of working age, those who perform military service, and persons not currently looking for work. The flow of movement between these categories can be expressed with the Fig.2, where: 1 shows the flow of people who change job. 2 show the flow of people who lose their job. 3 show the flow of people from the ranks of unemployed who find a job. 4 show the emergence of the unemployed out of the labor force (as unemployed who do not require work anymore). 5 show the entry or the reentry in labor force, but first as unemployed. 6 show entry or reentry in labor force, but now as busy at work. 7 show the loss of employment and the exit out of the labor force (such as pensioners, or people returning to school). The total number of losing jobs is given by the amount of movement 1, 2 and 7. The total number of finding jobs is given by the amount of movement is 1, 3 and 6. The difference between the losing jobs and the finding jobs shows the difference in employment. Changes in unemployment are given by the difference (5+2) (3+4). Changes in unemployment measured by the unemployment rate, which represents the percentage ratio of the number of unemployed and the labor force: Unemployment rate= (unemployed workers / total labor force) ÃÆ'- 100%.1 TYPES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment is an inevitable process for each country, so that we can find it among each person in different kinds. The most kind of unemployment we can find in Albania are: Frictional unemployment, which is created as a result of continued movement of workers from one job in search of another job, which is better than the first. This kind of unemployment is inevitable and economically justifiable, as leading to more efficient redistribute of labor resources. In this group are also included students who have just been graduated and are looking for a job, or women that have been away for a while from the labor market. These people are considered as volunteers unemployed.1 Structural unemployment, that occurs due to changes in demand and the supply to work as a result of fundamental changes occurring in the basic branches of economy. If an economy suffers from long-lasting low aggregate demand, it means that many of the unemployed become disheartened, while their skills (including job-searching skills) become rusty and obsolete. This means that they may not fit the job vacancies that are created when the economy recovers. This kind of unemployment can also be caused by technological progresses, since it means that fewer workers are needed to produce the same level of output every year.1 Cyclical unemployment is associated with declining demand for certain goods and services, especially at the stage of economic downturn, which leads to the decline in demand for manpower in the factories that manufacture these products or services. This is caused by a business cycle recession and wages not falling to meet the equilibrium level.1 Seasonal unemployment, which is related to seasonal nature of the product or service, for example in the branches of the construction industry, tourism, etc. It is linked to certain kind of jobs.1 Voluntary unemployment includes that group of people who choose not to work for different reasons, such as economical/financial reasons or any other.1 Hidden unemployment is the unemployment that does not appear in government statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected. Only those who have no work but are actively looking for work are counted as unemployed. Those who have given up looking, those who are working less than they would like or those who work at jobs in which their skills are underutilized are not officially counted as unemployed, though in a sense they are.1 UNEMPLOYMANT RATE IN ALBANIA The lowest rate of unemployment of these years is 12.3% in 1996, while the highest is 18.4% in 1999. From 1995 until 1999 we have successive ups and downs of the unemployment rate. This is due of the transition that in these years has been higher. While from 1999 with unemployment rate 18.4%, the unemployment rate has been decreasing gradually, reaching its lowest level in 2008 with unemployment rate 13%. However these digits are still high. Our country suffers from the phenomenon of unemployment. According to the report of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 3 official unemployment rate is rather deformed three times lower than the real rate of unemployment. There are at least three reasons that make the data on unemployment rate not to be real. The main reason is informality, which is the number of employees who arent declared from the employer. ____________________________ 1scribd: MAKROEKONOMI-Inflacioni-Dhe-Papunesia. Url: 2 INSTAT see Instituti I Statistikes 3 CIA (2010): library/publications/the-world-factbook/Albania. Url: Also, there are the unemployed who do not plead their self as unemployed. In this case they do not appear in official records as unemployed. This is a problem associated with lack of functionality and efficiency of office work. In the calculation of the unemployment rate also isnt disregarded unemployment in agriculture. Rural areas, in which lies the main map of poverty in the country, are supposed with full employment, since no one is registered as unemployed. According to the report, having such a large labor force in agriculture, when this sector provides 21.7% of Gross Domestic Product and almost zero unemployment rate, its explained why according the official methodology, the unemployment rate is only 12.5%. So, these are some of the reasons that make the unemployment rate not to be real. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to gender Throughout the years the percentage of unemployed females in Albania has been higher than the percentage of males, this for some reasons. In Albania are developed more activities oriented towards the employment of males. Specifically, trade, construction or development of hotels and restaurants, where dominate male employees. Also these years were closed enough industrial activities, in which there were employed a significant number of females. While the rural-urban movement does not give females many opportunities coming from rural areas to enter in the job market. Also females being most charged with house works and take care of everything, no firm has no interest to employ them before a male, because they often can take permissions, will require maternity leave etc. These can be some of the reasons why the level of unemployed females is higher than the unemployed males. The year 1999, in which the unemployment rate is the highest, marks the greatest number of unemployed males and females, respectively 16.4% of males and 21.4% of females in Albania were recorded as unemployed. While the lowest number of unemployed males registered in 1996, where 11.4% of males are registered as unemployed and the lowest number of unemployed females registered in 2007 where 12.2% of females are registered as unemployed. The number of unemployed people observed that has ups and downs, both in females and males until 2000, while after 2000 till 2007 is observed a general reduction of unemployed males and females. In 2008 is noticed an increase in the number of unemployed females from 12.2% to 13.5%. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to age Unemployment also varies according to age groups population. Three main age groups are: 15-19 years old, 20-34 years old and over 34 years old. Unemployment appears in higher rates for the first age group because young people are less able to adapt to the labor market. These rates have been high till 2001 and after this period dominates 20-34 year old age group as unemployed. Whereas all persons over 34 years old represent lower values in the unemployment rate since the majority of them are busy to work. This rate has been higher in the period 1998-2001 and since then has maintained a constant level. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to education According to the education level of unemployment, the major part of unemployment rate consists of people who have octennial and high-school education. This may come from different reasons such as the low level of intelligence, or any other. The difference rate between unemployed people with octennial and high-school education is low. In the period of time 1998-2000 there were more unemployed people who had high school education than with octennial education, but since 2001 this ratio has changed. From 2001-2009 there are more unemployed people with octennial education. Whereas people with university education have fewer chances to be unemployed since they have more opportunity to find o job. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE in different districts Unemployment rate varies in different districts of Albania. During 2008 this rate was different in different districts. Its values are shown in Fig 6, which represents the ratio of unemployment to the all districts of Albania. According to the data set, the highest rate for the unemployment this year has been in Kukà «s with a value of 30.9%, a high value compared to the other districts. It is followed by the district of Shkodra with 24.2%, then Lezha with 22.1% and 17.7% in Vlora. The lowest rate is given for the district of Tirana, around 7.3%. It probably comes from the fact that, Tirana is the capital and so on is a developed city, where employment opportunities for citizens are higher. Therefore this rate is lower in this city. As for other districts this rate varies with small values. CONSEQUENCES OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN ALBANIA Unemployment causes a lot of individual and social costs. A long period of unemployment reduces the human capital value and increases to malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression. Also another consequence of unemployment is that the unemployed people may lose their skills. At another point when a person is unemployed, he has lack of income. This causes less leisure. As some other serious consequences of unemployment we can mention the increasing number of divorces, crime and greater alcohol abuse. So the unemployment influences in the every-day life of the unemployed people. Unemployment causes reduction of incomes level and this brings the reduction of the countrys economic growth. The GDP is lower than it could be if the unemployed people were employed. As a result the whole economy and society suffer from people being unemployed. Also high levels of unemployment bring consequences at the level of taxes and government borrowing, and at the expenditure of government. Because of the existence of a high level of unemployment, the income that could be taken from taxes will fall. While unemployed people do not work, do not earn, and thus they do not pay taxes. This affects in the decrease of the level of income that the government collects. On the other hand, the government should help the unemployed by giving them economic assistance.4 In Fig 7 is presented the number of families receiving economic aid versus the total number of households in all districts of Albania. It is noted that the highest percentage of the families that profit economic aid is in Kukà «s. As we said before, the unemployment rate in this district is also the highest of all districts in Albania. Dibra, Shkodra and Lezha have also high percentages of families with economic aid and the levels of unemployment in these districts are high. Durrà «s, Fier, Tirana and Vlora have the lowest level of families in economic aid. But we have seen that Vlora had a high level of unemployment, although the percentage of families in economic aid is in lower levels. So the government loses as a result of the decline in tax collection and higher spending on families who have unemployed members. As a result the budget deficit may be increased, which increases and the risk of the government. These are some reasons that the level of government borrowing may increase. So we can say that all the society and the economy suffer from high levels of unemployment. PRECAUTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT The government has to interfere continually to reduce the unemployment rate. The Albanias government has taken some precautions to low-down the level of unemployment. We can mention the opening of new workplaces, such as in infrastructure. The last years the government has realized a lot of projects in infrastructure and in this way, there are opened new workplaces. Also the government has practiced training and program applications to boost employment. As we have said in Albania the number of unemployed females is greater than unemployed males, and so the government has practiced free vocational training for women heads, victims of trafficking and roma women. Reforms in the fiscal system, in the improvement of the business environment by lowering taxes significantly, investments in infrastructure and the attracting of foreign investors to invest in Albania, encouraging investors to employ staff from Albania are the main factors that has contributed to the economic growth and, consequently, to the creation of new workplaces. So these are the main precautions that our government has taken to prevent and reduce the unemployment in Albania.5 CONCLUSION Unemployment is an inevitable process that happens in every country. It is found in different types such as frictional, structural, cyclical, seasonal, voluntary and hidden unemployment. This phenomenon is visible in every society, but it appears in different values. __________________________ 5 Ministry of Social Work and Issue and Equal Opportunity (2007): Strategji-Standarte/Strategjia e Punesimit. Url: Although Albanias recent economic growth has reduced poverty level, it is still a country with a higher rate of unemployment. This rate has been changing over years. It has been in its lowest levels in 1996 with 12.3%. The highest rate has been in 1999 with a value of 18.4% and from then it has been reducing continually. In 2008 this rate was 13%. Its not a low level, but anyway is the lowest level Albania has ever had in the last 10 years. According to gender the percentage of unemployed females in Albania has been higher than the percentage of males. According to age, the level of unemployment has been higher for the age group 15-19 years old till 2001, and since then it has been higher for the age group 20-34 years old. Whereas the age group over 34 years old is always characterized of lower levels of unemployment according to the other age groups. Unemployment rate according to education has been higher for people with high school education till 2001, and from then it has been hi gher for people with octennial education. Whereas people with university education are characterized of lower levels of unemployment. In different districts are recorded different values. Its value is higher in Kukà «s and lower in Tirana. The unemployment brings a lot of affects in the society and the whole economy. It reduces the human capital value and increases to malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression. It increases the number of divorces, crime and the level alcohol abuse. The unemployment brings the reduction of the countrys economic growth. It reduces the level of the incomes that could be taken from taxes and increases the expenditure for economic aid given by the government for the unemployed people. The government has taken some precautions to reduce the level of unemployment; such are the reforms in the fiscal system or by opening new workplaces. It has practiced training and program applications to boost employment. The percentage of unemployed females is in high levels, so the government has practiced free vocational training for women. Also it has taken reforms in the fiscal system, in the improvement of the business environment by lowering taxes significantly, investments in infrastructure and the attracting of foreign investors to invest in Albania, encouraging investors to employ staff from Albania.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Air Pressure effects the Speed of Falling objects :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Research An object that is falling through the atmosphere is subjected to two external forces. The first force is the gravitational force, expressed as the weight of the object. The weight equation which is weight (W) = mass (M) x gravitational acceleration (A) which is 9.8 meters per square second on the surface of the earth. The gravitational acceleration decreases with the square of the distance from the center of the earth. If the object were falling in a vacuum, this would be the only force acting on the object. But in the atmosphere, the motion of a falling object is opposed by the air resistance or drag. The drag equation tells us that drag is equal to a coefficient times one half the air density (R) times the velocity (V) squared times a reference area on which the drag coefficient is based. The motion of a falling object can be described by Newton's second law of motion, Force = mass x acceleration. Do a little algebra and solve for the acceleration of the object in terms of the net external force and the mass of the object (acceleration = Force / mass). The net external force is equal to the difference between the weight and the drag forces (Force = Weight - Drag). The acceleration of the object then becomes acceleration = (Weight - Drag) / mass. The drag force depends on the square of the velocity. So as the body accelerates, its velocity (and the drag) will increase. It will reach a point where the drag is exactly equal to the weight. When drag is equal to weight, there is no net external force on the object, and the acceleration will become equal to zero. The object will then fall at a constant velocity as described by Newton's first law of motion. The constant velocity is called the terminal velocity. What is aerodynamics? The word comes from two Greek words aerios concerning the air, and dynamis, meaning powerful. Aerodynamics is the study of forces and the resulting motion of objects through the air. Humans have been interested in aerodynamics and flying for thousands of years, although flying in a heavier-than-air machine has been possible only in the last hundred years. Aerodynamics affects the motion of a large airliner, a model rocket, a beach ball thrown near the shore, or a kite flying high overhead. The curve ball thrown by big league baseball pitchers gets its curve from aerodynamics.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Music Festival Essay

â€Å" When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest † said Henry David Thoreau. Music was and still is a significant factor in almost every culture in the world. It is a form of art that can life the soul, or even heals a patient through music therapy. A music festival is a festival oriented towards music that is sometimes presented with a theme such as musical genre, nationality or locality of musicians, or holiday. They are commonly held outdoors, and often include other attractions such as food and merchandise vending machines, performance art, and social activities, and even theme park rides such as the festival held annually in Abu Dhabi â€Å"Cream Fields†. Which is similar to the festival that I am going to be designing in this paper. The music festival I will conduct is going to be a rather modern based outdoor event, featuring DJs and live acts. The festival would have cartoon based theme, in which attendants would have to come dressed as cartoon characters of their choice, but no regular clothing would be allowed in, it’s either you come in costume or you get out. The idea is for the festival to be its own world for the weekend, and this would be achieved not only through the outfits, but even the stages would have cartoon decorations all around, making everything look colorful and cheerful. For each stage available, there will be a different cartoon theme for that stage, for instance the main stage would have the most famous of all, Tom and Jerry, and so on and so forth. The festival comers would feel as if they entered a world of childhood, making them forget about all the troubles in the world, and simply enjoy their time as much as they could. They can enjoy refreshments and food, along with special live acts where mimics of famous cartoons will be performed in between one artist and another. Unfortunately for the adolescents, there will be an entry age of 21 and above, all under the age of 21 would not be allowed in due to the consumption of alcohol in the region. The type of music that will be played at this festival will be electronic music. Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production. An electronic musical instrument is a musical instrument that produces its sounds using electronics. Such an instrument sounds by outputting an electrical audio signal that ultimately drives a loudspeaker. It may include a user interface for controlling its sound, often by adjusting the pitch, frequency, or duration of each note. This type of music can also be referred to as â€Å" Rave music â€Å". Rave music is what most people now call ‘dance’ music, or as some government wonk put it, music with a distinctive ‘series of repetitive beats’. Early ravers discovered that the combination of ecstasy and music with fast, repetitive beats was a marriage made in disco heaven. The term rave first came into use in Britain in the late 50’s referring to the wild bohemian parties of the time, and the crowds were and still are mostly young from all sections of society. The composition of this music is extremely complicated, and it requires years of practice and experience in order to master it, however, I will give a brief summary of the requirements. There isn’t a single â€Å"piece of equipment† that creates the music, it’s a joining of different elements that’s necessary to allow the creation of a full on song. The basic and most important instrument to create this music is the MIDI keyboard. A MIDI keyboard is typically a piano-style user interface keyboard device used for sending MIDI signals or commands over a USB or MIDI cable to other devices connected and operating on the same MIDI protocol interface. Not all MIDI keyboards are based on the piano style user interface. Many MIDI keyboard controllers have pads or buttons that also send MIDI signals, and most pads have a velocity sensing capability so that varying volumes of sound can be played. Then comes in the other pieces, for instance, the sequencer is where you control the audio sources and create the structure of your song, and the mixer is then used to set the levels. After the song has been finished, it is recorded and simply played through the DJ set on the stage. However, the DJ will be using a mixer and a sequencer in order to adjust the structure and the levels of the song, also to move on from one song to another without disruption, blending one song to another. The artists I have chosen for my festival are the following, starting from the first to perform to the headliner. Armin Van Buuren, Armin van Buuren, a Dutch trance producer and DJ. He is the number one ranked DJ having won DJ Magazine’s Top 100 DJs fan poll a record of 5 times, including winning 4 consecutive years between 2007-2010 and again in 2012. David Guetta, a French house music producer and DJ. Afrojack, who is a Dutch music producer and DJ. Skrillex, opening for the headliner is an American electronic musician and singer-songwriter. And finally, the headliner, Deadmau5, is a Canadian electro-house music producer, DJ, and performer based in Toronto. Deadmau5 produces a variety of styles with the house genre, or other forms of electronic dance music. The reason I have selected Deadmau5 to headline for such a cartoony festival is not only does his music suit the atmosphere, but also he comes in costume, as he always wears a big smiling mouse mask that does not fail to attract attention. Moreover, his stage is always colorful and full of energy, a perfect way to end the night at such a festival. The rest of the performers also provide energy to this theme, as it is a day where everything is cheerful, where everything colorful and happy, and this is aim of electronic music, to unite people from every nation, it does not limit anyone, and so do cartoons. That is the connection between my theme and the music being played, all are welcome, no culture, race, nor nationality is looked down upon, everyone is together, one love.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Campus Life Problem

Campus Life Problem The essential factor in communicative interaction is effective communication. However, many people fall short of this requirement and posses ineffective communication skills characterized by superiority complex, insensitivity, and an all knowing attitude.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Campus Life Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Supportive communication is the foundation of effective communication. Thus, this assessment essay analyses obstacles to supportive communication and recommendations on improving supportive communication. Supportive communication should be effective in preserving the relationship between parties involved while effectively addressing a predicament (Heath and Bryant 289). However, this is not the case in the relationship between Jill and her parents. The first communicative obstacle in this scenario is the incongruence approach Jill’s parent gives the problem. Though they seem supportive, this is not the case. They have a formed opinion of what is right for their daughter and are insensitive of her feelings. Jill’s mother asserts, â€Å"Political science? You never make money doing that. We only want the best for you†. Disregarding Jill’s opinion on career choice is likely to strain this relationship. The father makes an intimidating evaluative statement about monetary sacrifices which invokes a defensiveness feeling, prompting Jill to remind them of her life. In self defense, she says â€Å"I have to live my life, not yours!† Instead of being problem oriented, the parents personalize their comments prompting Jill to despise their suggestions (Whetten and Cameron 109). The mother asserts, â€Å"We’ve made so many sacrifices†¦ give us respect in return.†Besides, the father makes invalidating statement which makes Jill’s choice unimportant. He asserts, â€Å"We do understand what’s best for you†¦we want you to be a doctor†. Such a statement lowers confidence and worthiness and leaves the person feeling impervious, inferior and indifferent especially when supposed supportive party is fixed minded and unwilling to accept an alternative (Heath and Bryant 289).Advertising Looking for assessment on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Jill’s parents are rigid and ignorant of advising response from her. Generally, when there is ineffectiveness in supportive communication, defensiveness is unavoidable especially when a party feels attacked. An effective supportive communication lies n the pillars of congruency, descriptivism, validation, flexibility, respect, and sensitivity (Heath and Bryant 289). Jill’s parents should be problem oriented and accept her choice after creating a free environment for discussion. During this interactive forum, utmost congruency from b oth parties should characterize the decisions. Through expressing true feelings, communication congruence is likely to facilitate cordial relationship among the trio (Whetten and Cameron 109). Moreover, it is important for the trio to acknowledge the fact that they are a family. In making statements, the parents should adopt descriptive speech about range of solutions to the presumably sticky situation which has been inactive for period of time. The trio should be objective when expressing their feelings and focus on reaction and behavior, and not personality. Before making a statement, Jill’s parents should put into consideration the consequences of emotionally triggered utterances. Therefore, it is essential for the parents to validate their statements to win back Jill’s confidence and a sense of self worth. When practicing supportive communication, the communicator should be flexible enough to accommodate alternative solutions to a problem. This motivates the third party to positively participate and contribute an input (Whetten and Cameron 109). After all, supportive communication is a two way channel in which respectful communication travels. Rather than assuming the feeling of superiority, Jill’s parents should learn to exercise flexibility before making absolute resolutions to divert any indifference feeling which may overwhelm their daughter.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Campus Life Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jill should internalize conjunctive communication characterized by free flow of information among the trio. Despite her opinion of the impervious parents, Jill ought to have made owned statements when she discovered her career. Conclusively, supportive communication is effective when the third party’s assumes the role of being a supportive listener. However, applying these attributes depends on the communicative skills of an indivi dual. It is fair to identify own inaccuracies in communicating. When these attributes are effectively used, counseling and coaching, which relies on supportive communication, may carry positive feedback and boost life skills. Whetten, David Allred and Kim S. Cameron. Developing Managerial Skills. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2007. Print. Heath, Lawrence and Bryant Jennings. Human Communication Theory and Research Concepts, Contexts, and Challenges. London: Routledge, 2000. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Name that festive tune - Emphasis

Name that festive tune Name that festive tune Oh, jingle bells! Under the influence of one too many eggnog-laced espressos, weve only gone and rewritten verses from three popular Christmas songs in almost impenetrable management speak. Passive constructions? Tautology? Unnecessarily long words? Latin? Oh yes. Can you translate these tunes back to their original festive format? Email us your answers once youve deciphered them. The first five people with the correct songs will win a copy of the book My Grammar and I (or should that be Me?) And, from everyone at Emphasis: it is our fondest desire that you experience a convivial festive period. We really mean it. 1 The decrepitation of Castanea sativa on an unenclosed conflagration The arctic impingement of Jokul Frosti on ones proboscis The harmonising of a choral ensemble on festive canticles And citizens attired in the accoutrement of the Inuit. 2 Im experiencing a reverie in which I behold a Yuletide that is niveous In all ways identical to those I was familiar with at some point prior to today During which time the uppermost parts of foliage scintillated And pre-pubescent juveniles gave attention To perceive tintinnabulation amongst crystalline water ice. 3 The Ilex aquifolium and the Hedera helix At the exact moment that they have advanced to their maximum dimension Taking into account the entire scope of flora to be found in the thicket It is atop the Ilex aquifolium that the coronet is borne.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Consultation For Leaders In Management. translation missing

Consultation For Leaders In Management. Consultation For Leaders In ManagementOrganizations the world over are encouraging a shift from a management perspective to a leadership perspective instilled through team building so as to solve inflexibility and quicken decision-making. In this essay therefore, empowerment, whereby people are encouraged to make autonomous decisions and feel in control to the resultant outcomes, has been proposed as a means of allowing dissent, encouraging teamwork and innovation. Leaders should distribute authority rather than a hands-on control approach. This is implemented by changing the manager’s perspective by: influencing through context, creating a culture whereby all employees feel included, distributing authority without reclaiming, provision of logistical and moral support to employees, setting out a clear mandate and equipping the team for anticipated success. In order to influence through context, whereby trust is laid in a higher principle, belief and guiding force, the leader must aptly define the context and desired standards by giving team members the freedom to act and innovate thereby enhancing leadership, creating a competitive edge and nurturing proactive employees. Secondly, the leader should also nurture and empower a culture of inclusion whereby the leader should ensure that every team member’s voice is heard despite their position. This atmosphere should encourage dissent as a foundation of objectivity and innovation whic h enables new ideas to be generated superior to those developed by the exercise of positional power. Thirdly, the leader should surrender positional authority and responsibilities without attempting to reclaim it so as to create pro-active employees. There is a transitory phase where the managers feel out of control and that things have gone awry and they are tempted to tighten control. This should be highly resisted. Leaders should further support the employee empowerment strategies put into place since empowerment involves giving responsibility and the freedom of choice so as to move from position of boss to coach. Also, the leaders should clearly articulate the common goal which the team is aiming at. Clarity of vision and roles played by various members should be enhanced so as to ensure accountability for specific goals and stay inbounds. Finally, equip the team members for success through training, resource allocation and information provision at all levels. This highly boosts the chances of success. (Lencioni) Management is distinct from leadership. Management employs a hands-on control whereas leadership allows responsibility allocation and freedom of choice. Management is characterized by managers having subordinates who are structured according to levels of formal authority. Management encompasses an authoritarian, transactional style whereby subordinates act on orders. It is transactional in the sense that employees are delegated duties in exchange for a salary or monetary reward. Further, management’s focus is on work and is distinct in that managers are paid to work under time and money constraints. The work focus is naturally passed to their subordinates.   Finally, a recent study shows that managers seek comfort and prefer to avoid conflict through engaging in relatively risk-averse activities since they have been observed to come from upper-middle incomes and rich families. On the other hand, leaders do not have subordinates but rather have followers. When managers are le ading, they have to give up formal authority to encourage a following since this is usually voluntary. This style encompasses a charismatic and transformational style in that leaders have to appeal to team members in order to attract a following in risky and dangerous situations. They promise transformational awards not only through extrinsic rewards but also through value addition. Leadership focuses on people’s personalities rather than their work. Leaders do not necessarily have a loud personality or friendly attitude but rather maintain an aloof attitude and a degree of separation. They are achievement driven, but, instead of solely focusing on work, they enthuse others to work towards their goals. Finally, leaders seek risk and are risk takers rather than risk averse. They envision hurdles and problems and their respective solutions. They view risks as potential opportunities which have been attributed to the fact that most of them come from handicapped families in chall enging backgrounds. (Marcus Buckingham, 2008). The managers, by resisting empowerment through encouraging responsibility and allowing a freedom of choice, signify an attempt to manage rather than lead. The CEO is in essence, trying to break from a tradition of pure management and encompass skills in leadership by employing a consultant to chart on appropriate techniques to be employed.   There are several arguments in favor of leadership rather than management. First, managers should provide an inspiring vision and a strategic alignment in a team rather just control. The leader should envision the future and passionately believe on the aspired goals. Secondly, leadership is an influence relationship whereas management is an authority relationship which deters the team spirit. Leadership further defines direction through establishing a vision. This vision can easily be communicated and aligned into the team member’s spirit and energy. In a team, there is a need to energize and inspire team members in order to overcome any obstacles rather than delegating duties and authority as is the case for management. Effective leadership brings about positive, much needed change and opens up channels for innovation. (Avolio, 2003) As a consultant, there are various steps that I propose that a manager should take to change from a management style to a leadership style. Managers should first clarify and codify their convictions. The manager should evaluate his values, beliefs and ethics, how they can be demonstrated, their link to the overall organization’s goals and how the manager can change to fit within the team. Any additional assistance needed to enhance personal and organizational success should be obtained. The managers should constantly re-evaluate these steps to serve as a reality check. People cannot be forced into a following; hence, the manager should then accord the organization time to change towards their convictions. The next step is for the manager to align his or her behavior according to the convictions so as to build a collaborative culture based on the direction desired. Identify individual team player’s needs and their dreams in the workplace. Further, the manager should inte rview suppliers and customers on their specific needs in order to promote chance of success. Consultants further encourage managers to engage in conversation and communication. Listening is highly insisted upon so as to detect trends, themes and various possibilities. (Nahavandi, 2006) Empowerment has various outcomes. Key among them is decentralization whereby decision-making is as close to the action as possible hence quickening decision-making. This shall also lead to sharing of information n the organization’s goals and mission. The need to hoard and withhold information and knowledge in order to maintain control is surpassed by an openly shared information system that encourages operation on the basis of facts. Contingent rewards are also used so as to motivate team members who significantly contribute to the organization. Failure should not be automatically punished for this inhibits empowerment. Teams created ensure employees are not only responsible for their individual success but also their team members. This therefore serves to unify the employees. Alignment in an organization is compulsory so as to maintain coherence and direction by sharing common goals and vision. There are various recommendations on what the CEO should strive to attain. The CEO should ensure that: all team member participate in the formulation of a strategic plan and line of action; ensure effective communication through meetings, trainings, electronic bulletin boards, e-mails and oral channels such as the phones so as to ensure healthy team dynamics; ensure a team charter is put in place in which the project’s goals are clearly stated; ensure regular meetings are held between team members in order to brainstorm on topical issues through forms such as retreats; organize training and simulation exercises in the team by subdividing the team into subgroups that simulate healthy rivalry such as tug-of-war and ice breaking; delegate tasks so as to encourage trust in the team; promote collective responsibility in the team for mistakes committed by individual team members rather than apportioning blame for failure or inefficiency; establish appropriate conflict resolution tec hniques; carry out continuous appraisal and review on   individuals so as to curb inefficiency; introduce awards for significant achievements; keep the team focused so as to overcome any obstacles and finally, recognize the performing stage the team is currently in such as the peak period so as o maintain a consistent focus.(Argyris, 1976) References Argyris, C. (1976). Increasing Leadership Effectiveness. New York: Wiley. Avolio, B. J. (2003). Leadership Models, methods and Applications. John Wiley Sons Inc.. Lencioni, P. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A leadership Fable. J-B Lencioni. Marcus Buckingham, C. C. (2008). First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. Nahavandi, A. (2006). The art and science of leadership.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mathematical problem-solving study on developing mixed-ability Essay

Mathematical problem-solving study on developing mixed-ability students' interest in learning mathematics - Essay Example My study will be carried out using classroom observation techniques, interviews with teachers and mixed-ability students and questionnaires to both students and teachers, to gather data on learning outcomes in actual/real Maths classrooms in the United Kingdom. Mixed-ability students can be divided into three categories: (i) students with low performance in maths (ii) students who can perform well in maths and (iii) mathematically promising students. The phrase, ‘promising students’ here means ‘gifted or talented students’ who, by virtue of their outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance. These are students who require differentiated educational programs and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their contribution to self and society.1 According to some researchers, these students will have the potential to become the leaders and problem-solvers of the future. Mathematically promising students have needs that differ in nature from those of other students. According to Tomlinson (1995), these students require some differentiated instruction by consistently using a variety of instructional approaches to modify content, process, and /or products in resp onse to learning readiness and interest of academically diverse students. No matter what categories they fall, loss of interest in learning Mathematic especially on certain topic can lead to poor exam result or performance. During my eight years of teaching Mathematics at SOAS College and currently Sayyidina Hasan Secondary School, where I started teaching from lower secondary and currently upper secondary for almost 5 years, I have encountered different types of students. Their characters reflect their ability and performance in learning Mathematics. Some find mathematics education theoretical and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tools and Methods of Psychology in the Workplace Essay

Tools and Methods of Psychology in the Workplace - Essay Example As   we   attempt   to   develop   screening   and   selection   batteries   for   the   future   , not   only   must   they   be   valid   and   reliable   but   they   must   also   fall   within   current   legal   guidelines, which   is   an   arduous task   . This learner feels  that psychological practitioners in order to  contribute must be  well  informed  about many legal guidelines; because these laws are  work-related laws that psychological  practitioners  or psychologist must abide by now and beyond the future. This   learner   feels   that   psychological   practitioners   can   contribute   by   helping   to   create   and   implement   selection   procedures   that   are   predictive,   practical, cost   effective, and   legally   defensible. In addition those   practitioners   can   also   contribute   by   searching   for   vali d   and   unbiased   assessment   methods   , because   those   methods   has   become   a   crucial   issue   in   personnel   selection   ( Schmidt, 1993). ... Structural interviews, which measure a variety of skills and abilities, particularly  non-cognitive  skills, 3. Work samples  which measure job skills such as planning  and  organizing   . , and 4. Assessment centers measure knowledge , skills , and abilities through a series of work samples   / exercises that reflect job content and types of problems faced on the job , cognitive ability tests , personality inventories , and or   job knowledge   tests   . This  learner feels that the most important  fact is the validity and reliability of the tool and the impact that it will have on  applicants. According  to Schmidt and Hunter, combining a general mental ability measure with  a structural interview or with a work sample is likely to yield  the highest  composite validity . (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). Compare  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and   Contrast   a skill , competencies , or tool   and its   implementation   by   either   a human   resource   manager   or   a   psychological   practitioner   . This   learner   would   choose   the   " Cognitive   Ability   Test " , which is a tool that is used   by   psychological   practitioners because   it   measures   mental   abilities   such as   logic   , reading   comprehension   , verbal or   mathematical   reasoning   and   perceptual   abilities   . Cognitive  ability test is implemented by  paper and pencil  or  computer based  instruments. This    tool   carries   a   very   high   validity   rate   when   compared   to   " Conscientiousness   tool   " , which   measures   the   personality   trait   and   is   implemented   by   typically   with   multiple   -choice   or   true   / false   formats   . This learner  , would   use   the help   of a competency   model   that many skills that most applicants should have when

Seminar in criminology Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seminar in criminology Discussion 5 - Essay Example For example, defendants have to provide 10% of the amount to the bail bondsman that is requested by the court (Thistlethwaite & Wooldredge, 2013). Some of these bondsmen usually work together with attorneys and recommend them to their clients. Some of the attorneys recommended to clients by the bondsmen are not qualified or as experienced as a client would want. Some suspects are not allowed to make phone calls or write letters to their family. It results to delays in communication with the family members and attorneys and it interferes with the suspect’s ability get the re-trial release. A suspect’s bail gets determined after the court gets the advice from the legal counsel (Thistlethwaite & Wooldredge, 2013). The legal counsel always gives the court advice on previous bail jumping behavior for the suspect. For counsels who advise suspects not to show up to court so that they delay the trial process makes it hard for the suspect to become eligible for future pre-trial releases. On page 128, Thistlethwaite and Wooldredge (2013) assert that research on how the bail is made needs proper documentation and communicated to the defendant, the court and the public to ensure that the bail decisions made are fair. As Thistlethwaite and Wooldredge (2013) note, it ensures that the bail made is more individualized. Thistlethwaite, A., & Wooldredge, J. (2013). â€Å"Part II: Chapter 1: Pre-Conviction dispositions.† In Forty Studies that Changed Criminal Justice: Explorations into the History of Criminal Justice Research (2 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Higher Ed

Macro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Macro - Essay Example Observe that the equilibrium output has fallen to Y2 implying recession and the price level has increased to P2 implying inflation. 2. The immediate impact of a reduction in taxes is an increase in aggregate planned consumption expenditure, a component of aggregate demand. Thus, aggregate demand increases implying a rightward shift in the AD curve. However, whether this would lead to a substantial economic expansion (growth) or inflation with some minor growth depends upon where the economy is located on the business cycle when the policy is undertaken. We shall consider two cases: (a) when the economy is in recession and (b) during a boom. As is evident from the diagram above, the tax cuts led to the AD curve moving from AD1 to AD2 which in turn leads to an expansion of Y from Y1 to Y2. There is a negligibly small increase in the prices from P1 to P2. Thus, during recession or during the phase of recovery, tax cuts can yield substantial growth. During a period of economic expansion or the â€Å"boom† phase of the business cycle, the tax cut on the other hand can have a harmful impact on the economy. This is shown in the diagram above. Observe that now the outward shift in AD has led to a substantial rise in the price level while the increase in real output has been small. The closer the economy gets to the full employment equilibrium, the less effective does the tax cut become in stimulating growth and most of the impact of the resulting rising demand is reflected instead in rising prices. Essentially, during recession the economy is located far out from its full employment equilibrium and thus has surplus unused capacities. So, when the aggregate demand rises, the capacity utilization rises and so employment and output rise while prices stay more or less the same. However when the economy is in a boom and is located close to its full employment equilibrium, there are no unused capacities. As a result

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research proposal - Essay Example Since obesity will be dealt as more of a social issue, thus the social definition of the concept will be defined, however to get a more concrete definition indicators of obesity for instance, the Body Mass Index (BMI) will also be explored. Also, the life style issues which owe much to obesity for instance the intake of junk food, less exercise etc will be discussed and the side effects of obesity in context to the social life as well as health hazard relevant to these social aspects will be discussed in detailed. Also, the entire discussion will be based on the context of the American Society in general to identify how the society contributes in enhancing the issue. My paper intends on pointing out the societal indicators after thorough study to explore how the society we live in contributes in inducing obesity in individuals which is why the issue is increasing day by day, thus people need to be aware of these factors to eliminate the effects and causes. The information revealed in this people will be of value to the general public and the mass audience as the endemic can affect any of the individuals as they are part of the society. Areas to be Investigated Some of the perspectives which will be explored in this paper include; 1. What comprises the concept of obesity? 2. ... 8. How can one deal with obesity to minimize its side effects? 9. What are some of the lifestyle changes that can lead towards a healthy lifestyle? 10. How can the cause and effect relationship between variables related to obesity be seen in the context of the society? Thus, my study will deal with the cause and effects of obesity in the context of the life styles of the individuals being examined and the societal factors contributing in the increase of the endemic. Methods of Research My study will be based on the archival sources present on obesity. For this reason, both online papers, journals, reports etc will be studied, and alongside, other documents like newspapers, books, hardcopies of thesis and journals etc will be analyzed to come up with unbiased and a generic conclusion regarding the study. For this reason, the nearby library sources will be utilized, and the online sources which can be accessed for this purpose. While I searched online for the various sources on obesity to continue my study, millions of results showed up, however, my research questions helped me narrow down my focus, based on which I have specified about 11 sources which will thoroughly be analyzed for this purpose. Moreover, the gaps of knowledge left by the archival research will be addressed by conducting first hand surveys from a sample which will be designed to find relevant data to make the study more credible and informative. References Heinberg, Leslie J, and J K. Thompson.  Obesity in Youth: Causes, Consequences, and Cures. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009. Print. Nakaya, Andrea C.  Obesity: Opposing Viewpoints. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Print. Wolin, Kathleen Y, and Jennifer M. Petrelli.  Obesity. Santa Barbara, Calif:

Advertising in Deisgn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertising in Deisgn - Essay Example At the very basic level of effective advertising stands the ability to engage the consumer and capture their interest. In this way, design is one of the fundamentals of how this interest can be engaged and how a â€Å"first impression† of the firm/entity/organization/business in question can be represented (Croft, 2014). As such, firms must realize that the design process is a stage that corners should not be cut and costs should not be saved. The underlying reason for this has to do with the fact that effective design of any advertising piece is ultimately the initial representation and branding for the business or organization in question (Muryjas & Muryjas, 2013). As such, presenting a below quality design will effectively destroy the level of engagement that such a piece of advertising could have otherwise hoped to have achieved within any specific market. Unfortunately, many of the art design studios that are responsible for creating the basic renderings for how advertisi ng will take place are oftentimes somewhat divorced from the process itself. What this creates is a situation in which the nuances of what is being created are oftentimes lost on the designers (Lin & Chin, 2013. For this very reason, more and more advertisers have begun to integrate art design specialists within the very first iterations of advertising/market planning. In such a way, the message of what his being represented can more effectively and clearly be displayed through the designs that are utilized to help sell a given good or service (Matisoff et al., 2014). The congruity of the design is also an element that is oftentimes overlooked (Kwong et al., 2011). Even if the design stage and result is something that is visually appealing, the level to which the design resonates with what is being sold or what is being advertised is the true measurement of success. Instances abound in corporate history in which large multinational firms engaged in extraordinarily expensive

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Macro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Macro - Essay Example Observe that the equilibrium output has fallen to Y2 implying recession and the price level has increased to P2 implying inflation. 2. The immediate impact of a reduction in taxes is an increase in aggregate planned consumption expenditure, a component of aggregate demand. Thus, aggregate demand increases implying a rightward shift in the AD curve. However, whether this would lead to a substantial economic expansion (growth) or inflation with some minor growth depends upon where the economy is located on the business cycle when the policy is undertaken. We shall consider two cases: (a) when the economy is in recession and (b) during a boom. As is evident from the diagram above, the tax cuts led to the AD curve moving from AD1 to AD2 which in turn leads to an expansion of Y from Y1 to Y2. There is a negligibly small increase in the prices from P1 to P2. Thus, during recession or during the phase of recovery, tax cuts can yield substantial growth. During a period of economic expansion or the â€Å"boom† phase of the business cycle, the tax cut on the other hand can have a harmful impact on the economy. This is shown in the diagram above. Observe that now the outward shift in AD has led to a substantial rise in the price level while the increase in real output has been small. The closer the economy gets to the full employment equilibrium, the less effective does the tax cut become in stimulating growth and most of the impact of the resulting rising demand is reflected instead in rising prices. Essentially, during recession the economy is located far out from its full employment equilibrium and thus has surplus unused capacities. So, when the aggregate demand rises, the capacity utilization rises and so employment and output rise while prices stay more or less the same. However when the economy is in a boom and is located close to its full employment equilibrium, there are no unused capacities. As a result

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Advertising in Deisgn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertising in Deisgn - Essay Example At the very basic level of effective advertising stands the ability to engage the consumer and capture their interest. In this way, design is one of the fundamentals of how this interest can be engaged and how a â€Å"first impression† of the firm/entity/organization/business in question can be represented (Croft, 2014). As such, firms must realize that the design process is a stage that corners should not be cut and costs should not be saved. The underlying reason for this has to do with the fact that effective design of any advertising piece is ultimately the initial representation and branding for the business or organization in question (Muryjas & Muryjas, 2013). As such, presenting a below quality design will effectively destroy the level of engagement that such a piece of advertising could have otherwise hoped to have achieved within any specific market. Unfortunately, many of the art design studios that are responsible for creating the basic renderings for how advertisi ng will take place are oftentimes somewhat divorced from the process itself. What this creates is a situation in which the nuances of what is being created are oftentimes lost on the designers (Lin & Chin, 2013. For this very reason, more and more advertisers have begun to integrate art design specialists within the very first iterations of advertising/market planning. In such a way, the message of what his being represented can more effectively and clearly be displayed through the designs that are utilized to help sell a given good or service (Matisoff et al., 2014). The congruity of the design is also an element that is oftentimes overlooked (Kwong et al., 2011). Even if the design stage and result is something that is visually appealing, the level to which the design resonates with what is being sold or what is being advertised is the true measurement of success. Instances abound in corporate history in which large multinational firms engaged in extraordinarily expensive

Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons Essay 1) Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global warming is therefore relatively little. Between mining the uranium, refining and enriching fuel, and finally to building and operating the plant, a big 1,250 250-megawatt nuclear facility produces an estimated 250,000 tons of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. In contrast, coal-fired plants produce close to 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year in the U. S. alone while also emitting lots of other pollution: soot that causes lung diseases; sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that cause smog and acid rain; and mercury that contaminates fish. In fact, coal kills 4000 times as many people as nuclear power, according to one analysis. 2) It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single plant. 3) This technology is readily available. Disadvantages 1) Uranium Waste- The chief danger lies with the mining waste; it contains radium, which is highly radioactive. Radon gas (one of the products that occur after radium undergoes radioactive decay) can expose workers and nearby and nearby communities to an array of health risks like lung cancer, bone cancer and lymphoma. 2) The energy source for nuclear energy is Uranium, which is a scarce resource. It’s supply is estimated to last only for the next 30 to 60 years depending on the actual demand. 3) Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear waste could be preferred targets for terrorist attacks. 4) Risk of Catastrophe- Fukushima has joined Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in the vocabulary of dangerous nuclear mishaps. The explosion at Chernobyl’s nuclear plant in the Ukraine showed how nuclear energy could just as easily destroy us as it nurtures our everyday needs.  While nuclear power would allow Singapore to achieve energy self sufficiency, the risks and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysing The Type Of Curriculum Which Is Better English Language Essay

Analysing The Type Of Curriculum Which Is Better English Language Essay Education system is various in different countries and its strategies for effective learning are not the same. For example, American education mostly focuses on learning skill while education in Vietnam favors in learning the core of knowledge. In the article We should cherish Our Childrens Freedom to Think, by Kie Ho, Ho supports his opinion on learning skill in America that gives students benefits in creativities, freedom, and motivation much than it does in Indonesia. In contrast, according to E.D. Hirsch in Teach Knowledge, Not Mental Skills states that core- knowledge is more effective than learning skill. Learning skill is not consistent and so vague while core knowledge is not. With Core knowledge, students will learn the same foundation, so teacher can lead them forward. With me, I used to attend schools in Vietnam and have now been attending in an American school. I preferred learning skill method because it gives me the ways to learn something effectively in creativities, f reedom, and motivation. The most important thing that learning skill in the U.S becomes effective is freedom. Freedom means that people can freely write, speak and create. In the independent country, America, people have the right to expose their ideas or criticize things freely. As long as Americans do not commit any illegal action, they can criticize anyone, even the president, without taking any sequences. Why will freedom rarely take place in other countries, such as Vietnam? The reason is because Vietnamese dont really have freedom. In Vietnam, people should not do bad thing, such as they cannot speak or write something badly to government or country. If yes, people will be able to be forced in the jails. Of course, it is unpatriotic, so it will able to affect the survival of a country. For example, I read news regarding propel, but I did not remember where I got it. It is about that a group in Vietnam incited citizens against to government. Moreover, they passed out and wrote something distinguished t o citizens that Vietnamese government was corrupted. Their purposes were to destroy current government and to establish a new country; as a result, they were arrested after policemen found out their plot. Therefore, they are not really freely because they cannot speak or write something that they express the ideas to outside. Like Ho, he questioned where a history student could act as Lyndon in free controversy against another student pretending to be Ho Chi Minh in any country other than America. It would be unimaginable for a Japanese student to do the same regarding Hirohito played in the World War II (2007). Without freedom, I think people cannot be allowed to create motivation. If students may not be creative, they will not exceed their knowledge. Learning Skill is creative. It gives me to invent much in study. In Vietnam, teachers always require students to memorize all materials in the books, so students cannot have opportunities to create their own ideas. For example, when I was in twelfth grade, I crammed one long three-page poem in one night. Even though I stayed up until 2:00, I could not memorize that poem at all. As a result, I failed the test the next day. On the hand, I do not have to remember all information in the U.S classes. My Intercultural Studies ( ICS5) class that I took the last quarter is an example. My ICS5 teacher taught us History of African American Art. There she gave a lot of information embodied through paintings, sculptures in her lectures. Of course, she did not ask us to learn all everything in the lectures. She only asked us to create our ideas by giving feedbacks and feelings to which paintings and sculptures she mentioned. I learned a lot from her class because she gave me interest on learning diverse ethnic, cultural, and racial heritages in History of African American Art that I have ever known. Like Ho, he has educational experiences in Indonesia. He followed the rules of teachers that he had to remember the whole Hamlets play perfectly; in contrast, his son learned it in a different way by creating a love letter to Juliet or Shakespeare. He said, When I was 18, I had to memorize Hamlets To be or not to be soliloquy flawlessly. In his English class, my son was assigned to write a love letter to Juliet, either in Shakespearean jargon or in modern lingo (Ho, 2007, p.113). In addition, he supports one more detail on creative geography. Instead of memorizing the names of all main cities in the world, his son only drafted the map which demonstrates the route- including the names of the streets, and buildings- from his house to school (Ho, 2007). I think creative skill helps student study effectively. Therefore, creative skills also motivate students to study the best. The last thing leading the effective learning skill is motivate. Motivation helps students get more actives in the study. They can freely talk, express their ideas, and make their own decision. With active motivations, they can be encouraged to finish their work successfully. Decision making is kind of active motivation as a typical example. In the U.S, students have chances to make their own decision. Students can interrupt their teachers while they are teaching. And then, they can say their decision that they are making. Also, teachers motivate students to invent something new that they have never seen. Wow, that is great to give student logically critical thinking on their decision. Consequently, that motivation barely takes place in Vietnam. Vietnamese students are so passive. It means that they are mostly silent and unmotivated in the classes. As long as teachers ask a question, students can only raise their hands and answer to questions. In addition, teachers do not have enough time to give students a chance to make their own decision. Teachers only go to class, finish their job and then give homework to students. Of course, students have to complete homework due on the certain date. So, it is the reason why students can use the best their critical thinking on solving the tough solution. According to Ho, he also points out that unlike his son, he was also obedient to teachers and had no choice to make his decisions. The only thing that Indonesian students just act is to listen and to answer only when asked, give the only correct answer as well. His son, in contrast, is very motivated. He absolutely made his own decision and got an A even though he was laughing in the class. (2007). Therefore, I like active motivation because it plays an important in the success of learning skill. In short, people can choose learning skill or core knowledge as their strategies for effective learning. However, learning skill is better I believe because it gives me freedom, creativities, and motivation. Living in the independent country, America, three main factors: freedom, creativities, and motivation are very useful. Even though American education is not considered to meet the high standard in such basic skills as mathematics, and language ( Ho, 2007, 113), I think it is enough to increase the country as a modern country with a high innovation technique.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe :: essays research papers fc

Edgar Allan Poe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Best known for his poems and short fiction, Edgar Allan Poe deserves more credit than any other writer for the transformation of the short story into a respected literary work. He virtually created the detective story and perfected the psychological thriller. He also produced some of the most influential literary criticism of his time. Although he contributed so much to the writing world, little is known about the Poe himself. Historians have been trying for years to piece together the life of this literary genius. In almost every biographical publication Poe’s life is divided into three sections: his early life, his career, and his death. Exactly when and where Poe was born is not known, but historians believe that he was born in Boston, in 1809 (Hayes 5). Poe's parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was three years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan. Allan was a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia. Poe’s childhood was uneventful, although he studied in England between 1815 and 1820 (Jacobs 56). In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but stayed for only a year. Although a good student, he ran up large gambling debts that Allan refused to pay. Allan prevented his return to the university and broke off Poe's engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster, his Richmond sweetheart. Lacking any means of support, Poe enlisted in the army. He had, however, already written and printed at his own expense his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems (Hayes 6). Temporarily reconciled, John Allan secured Poe's release from the army and his appointment to W est Point but refused to provide financial support (Hayes 11). After 6 months Poe apparently contrived to be dismissed from West Point for disobedience of orders (Kennedy 35). Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself (Walker 2). In 1832 the Philadelphia Saturday Courier published five of his stories, and in 1833, MS. Found in a Bottle won a fifty dollar prize given by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor (Walker 125). Poe, his aunt, and Virginia moved to Richmond in 1835. Poe became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger and married Virginia, who was not yet 14 years old (Jacobs 61). During this time Poe published fiction, such as Berenice, but most of his contributions were serious, analytical, and critical reviews that earned him respect as a critic (Jacobs 64). Edgar Allen Poe :: essays research papers fc Edgar Allan Poe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Best known for his poems and short fiction, Edgar Allan Poe deserves more credit than any other writer for the transformation of the short story into a respected literary work. He virtually created the detective story and perfected the psychological thriller. He also produced some of the most influential literary criticism of his time. Although he contributed so much to the writing world, little is known about the Poe himself. Historians have been trying for years to piece together the life of this literary genius. In almost every biographical publication Poe’s life is divided into three sections: his early life, his career, and his death. Exactly when and where Poe was born is not known, but historians believe that he was born in Boston, in 1809 (Hayes 5). Poe's parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was three years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan. Allan was a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia. Poe’s childhood was uneventful, although he studied in England between 1815 and 1820 (Jacobs 56). In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but stayed for only a year. Although a good student, he ran up large gambling debts that Allan refused to pay. Allan prevented his return to the university and broke off Poe's engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster, his Richmond sweetheart. Lacking any means of support, Poe enlisted in the army. He had, however, already written and printed at his own expense his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems (Hayes 6). Temporarily reconciled, John Allan secured Poe's release from the army and his appointment to W est Point but refused to provide financial support (Hayes 11). After 6 months Poe apparently contrived to be dismissed from West Point for disobedience of orders (Kennedy 35). Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself (Walker 2). In 1832 the Philadelphia Saturday Courier published five of his stories, and in 1833, MS. Found in a Bottle won a fifty dollar prize given by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor (Walker 125). Poe, his aunt, and Virginia moved to Richmond in 1835. Poe became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger and married Virginia, who was not yet 14 years old (Jacobs 61). During this time Poe published fiction, such as Berenice, but most of his contributions were serious, analytical, and critical reviews that earned him respect as a critic (Jacobs 64).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Communication Decency Act: The Fight For Freedom of Speech on the Internet :: essays research papers

The Communication Decency Act: The Fight For Freedom of Speech on the Internet The Communication Decency Act is a bill which has insulted our right as American citizens. It a bill which SHOULD not pass. I'll share with you how Internet users are reacting to this bill, and why they say it is unconstitutional. Some individuals disagree with one part of the bill. According to query/z?c104:s.652.enr:, which has the Communications Decency Act on-line for public viewing,: "Whoever uses an Internet service to send to a person or persons under 18 years of age......any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image,........or anything offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs.....shall be fined $250,000 if the person(s) is/are under 18....... imprisoned not more than two years.......or both." The wording of that section seems sensible. However, if this one little paragraph is approved, many sites such as the: Venus de Milo site located at:; the Sistine Chapel at: and Michelangelo's David @ could not be accessed and used by anybody under the age of 18. These works of art and many other museum pictures would not be available. The bill says these sites show indecent pictures. The next part of the CDA has everybody in a big legal fit. We, concerned Internet users, took the writers of this bill to court, and we won. This part of the bill states: "Whoever....makes, creates, or solicits...........any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent.......with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another means of an Internet page..........shall be fined $250,000 under title 18......imprisoned not more than two years....or both......" The writer of that paragraph of the bill forgot something. It violates the constitution. The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law....prohibiting or abridging the freedom of speech......the right of the people peaceably to assemble.....and to petition the Government.............." This bill does exactly that. It says we cannot express our feelings cleanly. I understand that what may be of interest to me, may be offensive to others. Many people put up warning signs on their websites stating, "This site may contain offensive material. If you are easily offended you may not want to come here." If the writers of this bill would have listed that as a requirement there would have been no trouble. Here is the way I look at it. I think that some things should be censored on the Internet. Child pornography, for instance, is already illegal, so it follows that it should also be illegal on the Internet. Besides, psychologically, it damages the children involved. Something else that should be banned from the Internet are "hacker"

Friday, October 11, 2019

Donor Services Essay

1. What was Joanna Reed’s diagnosis of the situation in the donor services department? Sam Wilson was an American who ran the Guatemala branch of a U.S. aid agency. Joanna Reed’s diagnosis of the situation in his donor services department found many problems. LEADERSHIP – The biggest problem was that there was no leader who was accountable. Elena was the supervisor but she had no control. She also had no leadership skills and did not get respect because she was not bilingual and of a different religion. The supposed leader, Jose, spent almost all his time in the community services department. He did not pay attention and left things up to Elena. INEFFICIENCY IN WORK – The translators mostly did clerical work even though they were bilingual. The work in the office was divided into set tasks, one done by each person, and not divided evenly. Some workers had too much paperwork while the others had spare time. Those that had spare time did not help those loaded with work. There was also lack of training in English and in work, so quality was bad. The workers did not think about the job and used many extra steps and wasted time. TRACKING – The data was not shared in the department, so people had little knowledge about their job. There were no statistics about time, requests for information, or responses. There was little communication, plus there was resentment of Elena by some. Jose did not hear about problems or about good results. MORALE – The agency was run by a religion and Elena was not of that religion. However, everyone was proud of the agency and the religion. But morale was low because the workers did not use or improve their skills and had only a set and boring role to do. They are frustrated with the department. GROUP DYNAMICS – One translator Magdalena had experience, college education, and maturity. She had strong belief in the agency and was more professional. Three translators socialized mostly, and their leader Juana was outgoing with good oral English. Other translators had too much work. Everyone’s English was only fair. Supervisor Elena was left out. Elena was treated like just a watchdog. Boss Jose was not around much and paid no attention. 2. What should she recommend to Sam Wilson? (HOW) Joanna might have made these suggestions: LEADERSHIP – Magdalena might be a good supervisor instead of Elena. Magdalena had experience, education, belief in the agency, maturity, and professionalism. Magdalena could keep herself from making others dislike her by keeping a distance away from them. She could also have got respect. Juana could be given more leadership roles, to use her humor and outgoingness. Elena could do a job that required the hardest work. Jose could spend all his time in the community services department. INEFFICIENCY IN WORK – The working strategy was changed to divide all the work more evenly, so all workers did all jobs. They could be less bored and learn more through such training. They could work in a team environment, rather than be selfish for themselves. Joanna’s identified unnecessary steps, which caused the system to be slow; could be changed to a better workflow. The workers could be asked to think more about improvements. The workers could be trained more in translating, perhaps they could translate easy documents or parts of documents. Socializing could be minimized to break times. TRACKING – Statistics about time, requests for information, or responses could be kept and shared with all workers. Communication about problems or about good results would be increased through meetings, talks with leaders, and newsletters. MORALE – All workers could know all jobs and be given a minimum of boring work, while improving skills. The religion should be emphasized along with service to others. The department could link with community services more. Communication should be encouraged. Togetherness as a team with an important purpose whould be emphasized. GROUP DYNAMICS – The leader should be respected because of English languge ability and leadership skills and be of the right religion. Theleader should also be around all the time. The secondary leader should be a team worker and skillful in communication. The workers should respect each other and work as a team. All persons should have clear authority and responsibility. The workload should be fair. REWARDS – Joanna could recommend rewards to change both the workers’ and the managers’ behavior. They could get a bonus for achieving goals. They could get awards for service and efficiency. They could have a chance to go to higher positions in the agency. Perhaps they could visit the U.S.!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Early 1920s and Hitler’s Rise to Power

The Rise of Hitler 1. Why did so many German people join the Nazi Party? In the early 1920s, Germany was especially hard-hit during the Great Depression after the first World War, mainly because of the Treaty of Versailles, which made Germany go into an extreme hyperinflation. People could not buy anything with a reasonable price. In 1922, a loaf of bread costed 163 marks. In September 1923, it would have costed 1,500,000 marks and in November of that same year which was the peak of the hyperinflation, the loaf of bread would be worth 200,000,000 marks.Prices were going up faster than people could spend their money. Naturally, workers were unhappy with the social and economic conditions in Germany. Then came Adolf Hitler, who formed a party known as the Nazis which promised many things that the workers and the people of Germany wanted and implemented his ideas through his propaganda. Hitler told people that he would make sure everybody got a job and that he would help the peasants. T hese ideas were implemented into his propaganda and proved to be very effective. . Why did the Munich Putsch 1923 fail? The Munich Putsch of 1923, also known as the Beer Hall Putsch was Adolf Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the Weimar government of Ebert and establish a nationalistic one instead in its place. The Munich Putsch failed because of several factors. First, Hitler had only about 35,000 supporters at that time so there was a shortage of rebels. Second, the Kahr had called in army and police reinforcements and 16 Nazis were killed.Hitler was threatening to shoot anyone that left the Beer Hall and didn’t rebel so not everyone was happy about participating in it, so when the police and army reinforcements came, most of them fled since they didn’t even want to be there in first place. Overall, the reason for the Munich Putsch failing is because the Nazis, despite not having enough supporters at the time, tried to force itself into power against superior mili tary and political forces. 3. Why did Hitler receive such a light sentence at his trial for treason?What were the consequences of his trial and time spent in prison? In 1923, after being arrested for participating in the Munich Putsch, Hitler served a fairly light sentence of 5 years and a 200 mark fine after being accused of high treason. Hitler actually only served 9 months of those 5 years in prison. However, the usual consequence of high treason was death. The question is, why didn’t Hitler get executed? In the courtroom at the time of the trial, Hitler used that time to make another one of his speeches, causing more people to join his cause.This also made the judge like him, so the judge gave him a particularly light sentence. However, even if the judge didn’t like him, he would have gotten a lighter sentence anyways. This is because there were many more German people supporting Hitler now and if the judge sentenced Hitler to death, then that might have caused an uprising or a protest. Therefore, the judge decided to send him to pay a 200 mark fine and serve a 5 year prison sentence, although he would be eligible for parole after 9 months.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Project planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project planning - Essay Example Feasibility study is considered as the disciplined study based on three levels. The first level is related to the operational feasibility. The second level includes the technical feasibility. The economic feasibility is identified in the third level. Economic level brings operative and mechanical levels together into a common unit. These three levels of feasibility study are important for the success of a project. The project has earned an important contract from the local health authority to organize and deliver the conferences based on the health issues in the workplace. For the success of the contract, feasibility study is important to determine the economic, technical and operational viability of a project (PMI, 2012; Overton, 2007). The aim of the project is to provide the quality education in terms of health issues in a workplace, which is important for every people (Zilicus Solutions, 2012). The milestones stages of the project have been segregated into set up stage, research and development stage, activation stage and review stage. Based on the milestones stages, the documentations of the objectives as well as goals are to be ensured that they are aligned with the desired project goals. In addition, the significance of the marketing and communication plan should be ascertained. The progress of the different activities should be scrutinised for determining the success rate of the project. The project manager should review the project on a timely basis. In this respect, the project manager would be able to have a better knowledge about the progress of the project. The deliverables or the outcome of the project can be improvement in the several health issues in the workplace. Other outcome can be increased awareness of the local business as well as the agencies of the government of the European Directives regarding such health issues. In

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Public Health Core Areas and the BSPH Program Essay

Public Health Core Areas and the BSPH Program - Essay Example Evidently, most women in Fulton County did not frequently or, even worse, have never gone or were not able to receive mammography screenings; they have been in the waiting lists for a long time. They eliminated the list and three hundred women received early mammography screening through the funds that Atlanta affiliate organization won (Schmid, 2011). American Public Health Association had a meeting on 2009 November 7-11 in Philadelphia, PA, and it was their 137th meeting. The meeting was about â€Å"The American Public Health Association† and the â€Å"Institute for Public Health and Water Research† coming into partnership and focusing on the importance of water; they had concerns which involved protecting public health. The partnership meant to have happened before the official World Water Day. They wanted to ensure safety in public health through the consumption of clean and safe drinking water (Schmid, 2011). â€Å"American Public Health Association† had their 128th meeting on 2000 November 12-16 in Boston, MA. The meeting was about issues concerning health disparities, for instance, how to eliminate the health disparities. The first thing to be undertaken in order to eliminate health disparities was to implement health reforms from a public health point of view. Another aspect of eliminating disparities that was suggested is that the health system of the nation needed reforms. In addition, they suggested that there be provision of more affordable health care services that are in line with promoting health and preventing diseases (Schmid, 2011). â€Å"American Public Health Association† had a meeting with Committee on Women’s Rights on 2006 November 4-8, in Boston, MA; it took place for the 134th time. The meeting was about empowering women and activities that were going to take place due to the efforts of the Committee on Women’s

Monday, October 7, 2019

What are the strengths and the weaknesses of using the 'medical Essay

What are the strengths and the weaknesses of using the 'medical marketplace' as an approach to the history of medicine - Essay Example For numerous historians, this emphasis is situated in the context of a medical marketplace composed of a variety of medical items and healers. The medical marketplace model has ever since governed the field of the history of medicine. Harold Cook coined the term ‘medical marketplace’ to describe English medicine during the 17the century.This model involves the long-established tripartite differentiation of physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries, plus different kinds of quacks, herbalists, faith healers, midwives, and other less definite or ‘qualified’ healers. However, the medical marketplace model has also been criticized in various medical fields. This essay analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the medical marketplace model as an approach to the history of medicine. The Medical Marketplace Model Drawing on the assumption that ailing individuals have the capacity to make consumer decisions and are rational, numerous historians have expanded the history of medicine to encompass all forms of medical marketplace throughout the history of medicine. Thus, the history of the whole range of casual quacks and healers, of commercial products, and family prescriptions for different illnesses has become accepted and popular medical history. Historians have been particularly interested in being able to recreate the massive array of options or alternatives available to consumers of medical products and/or services. Over the recent decades, historians have given a great deal of attention to the hierarchy or division of medical professionals and in the knowledge, understanding, and experiences of patients. As an outcome of this wider approach, historians became adept at characterising the delivery of medical products/services in early modern North America and Europe as a medical marketplace.4 Furthermore, this tendency to adopt the medical marketplace model has also been observed among historians focused on the histories of ‘folk medicineà ¢â‚¬â„¢. In general, how the patients responded or did not respond to their sickness offered a measure of the degree to which the medicalisation processes progressed or regressed throughout time.5 Historians in the 1970s and 1980s were predisposed to situate medical professionals at the limelight in the medical marketplace of the past centuries, endowing early modern physicians an antiquated critical role in the delivery of medical services. More distinguishing attribute of later studies is the transition from physician-oriented academic interest to a more inclusive paradigm of the different sources of medical products/services provided.6 Past studies drew largely on the number of medical professionals as a measure of what several historians considered as ‘poor’ performance of healers throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, revealing the exaggeration of the value of physicians, who in reality were an outnumbered group among medical practitioners.7 Basically, the medical marketplace model demonstrates that insistent and educated or well-informed patients, or consumers, bought medical products/services as commodities in a disorganised, independent, and unchecked medical system. From the 18th to the 19th century, no ethical codes specific to the field of medicine presided over the relationship between health care providers and patients in early modern North America and Europe.8 Even though highly educated medical professionals produced essays on issues that are currently classified within the domain of medical ethics, the daily interactions between the ill and healers were influenced by two categories of broader social rules: (1) the system of the delivery of medical services during the early modern period has been associated with